SCOPE for Youth Commission

Karnataka Catholic Youth Rooted in Christ for a Better World.
• Organizing and empowering the catholic youth with conviction on catholic faith and values and equipping them with talents and skills making them messengers of the gospel.
Empowered and committed catholic youth are actively involved, directly and through networking, in the spiritual and social needs of the society
Five Priorities
• Faith formation of catholic youth leading to their active and visible faith life in their families, parish and society.
• Effectively countering different kinds of addictions that youth fall to social media, drugs, alcohol and smoking.
• Building greater sense of purpose team spirit among the catholic youth of Karnataka region
• Tangibly addressing the problem of unemployment/ underemployment among catholic youth.
• Countering different kinds of atrocities on and harassment of youth.
• Increased and better collaboration among various pious groups in and outside the parish/diocese.
• Young people are aware of the different spiritual activities organized by the various organizations and parishes.
• Youth Commission &units organize creative liturgy and Para liturgy services for the youth

Staff members

Fr. Amarnath Dinesh Roy
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


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Conference Hall

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Multi Purpose Hall

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