Commission for Vocation and Altar Boys and Girls

Form Committed Priests and Religious for the Church as “Missionary Disciples” and the as “Pastors with the smell of the sheep “to spread the Kingdom of god in the region of Karnataka.
• The candidates for priesthood and religious life are given a holistic and integral formation: human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral formation, and to accompany the priest and religious in their consecrated life journey, through continued formation, to make them true witnesses to the risen lord so as to proclaim the gospel to the world, especially in the context of Karnataka by responding to the signs of the times.
To make church active and vibrant with committed priests and religious, deeply rooted in the word of god and well equipped for the “New Evangelisation” with a missionary zeal in the Indian reality, especially in Karnataka.
• Church dedicates special attention to vocation to nurture and promote vocations. Thus particular ecclesial authority in each diocese will be given the responsibility of such ministry for the care of vocation.
• The vocation offices, true to the spirit of the church will promote vocations not only for the diocese proper but also for the universal church for the benefit of particular and the universal church.
• The office fir the vocations involves in the pastoral ministry of promoting vocation among the faithful in different stage of human life: Childhood, adolescence and adulthood.
• The Formators, entrusted with the work of formation according to the proper roles and competence, trained to personally accompany the candidates to carry out vocational discernment as to form them missionary disciples.
• The Formators with sincerity and transparency with frequent personal encounters, dialogues, listening to them in mutual trust accompany the candidates in their journey to priestly ordination and religious life.
• Community accompaniment in the form of community life during the formation is made necessary as to purify one’s intention as to serve others and transform one’s conduct as to make oneself a servant as Christ himself came to serve.

Staff members

Fr. Arokiaraj Satis Kumar
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


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